Hey there!
Please note ALL author names should be separated by ";". This means "and" cannot be used at the end of an author list. Also bear in mind that anything between ";" is considered a name. Check the "Select members" filters in the publications page of the website to make sure your names are being separated correctly. For example, inputting "Faurby, S.; Silvestro, D.; Bacon, C.D. and Antonelli, A." would be parsed as three names "Faurby, S." and " Silvestro, D." and " Bacon, C.D. and Antonelli, A.". Note also the presence of the extra space ahead of Silvestro and Bacon -- this would be enough to make the name unique. The correct way to input those names would be: "Faurby, S.;Silvestro, D.;Bacon, C.D.;Antonelli, A." This has no extra spaces and only separates by ";".